
Résumé Italiano


Selene Inzirillo
(May 12th, 2020)
«Grande personalità e professionalità. Coinvolgente nel suo lavoro e sempre entusiasta. Una grande persona preparata e sempre disponibile, che davvero ama ciò che fa. Mi ha guidato brillantemente durante la prima edizione di Catania va online per e con grande organizzazione ha gestito la seconda edizione battezzata da lui come #restiamoconnessi svoltasi esclusivamente in remoto, data l’emergenza sanitaria da CoViD-19.»
[Great personality and professionalism. Engaging in his work and always enthusiastic. A great person prepared and always available, who really loves what he does. He guided me brilliantly during the first edition of Catania va online for and with great organisation he managed the second edition named by him as #restiamoconnessi which took place exclusively remotely, given the CoViD-19 health emergency from.]

Ivo Pugliese
(January 5th, 2020)
«Un grande professionista. Ottime capacità organizzative e grande cultura informatica.»
[A great professional. Excellent organizational skills and great computer culture.]

Gianrico Fichera
(November 14th, 2018)
«Un ottimo professionista con una esperienza trasversale con il quale ho lavorato benissimo.»
[An excellent professional with a crosswise experience with which I have worked very well.]

Salvatore Passanisi
(July 10th, 2018)
«It has been fantastic working together with Alessio. He is always punctual, his knowledge is vast and extensive. Alessio provided outstanding results for Flazio. Detail-oriented team player. Very professional. No matter how complex the problem is, he will always come up with a brilliant, elegant, and cost-effective solution. Experiencing his fast and sharp mind at the office is most remarkable.


Gabriele Cannavò
(October 19th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di avere Alessio come Insegnante per il corso di Web Design. Un professionista preparato e serio che con la sua simpatia rende la formazione un piacere.»
[I had the pleasure of having Alessio as a teacher for the Web Design course. A trained and serious professional who with his sympathy makes training a pleasure.]

Serena Alberio
(May 17th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Alessio durante le lezioni tenute a BeAcademy. Grazie alla sua professionalità e disponibilità sono riuscita in poco tempo a realizzare un sito web tramite Inoltre Alessio mi ha invogliata a partecipare all’iniziativa #restiamoconnessi, la quale permette alle aziende italiane di avere un sito web ed essere sempre online. Chiave fondamentale per l’era in cui viviamo. Alessio è sicuramente una persona affidabile e con tanta passione per il suo lavoro.»
[I had the pleasure of meeting Alessio during the lessons held at BeAcademy. Thanks to his professionalism and availability I managed in a short time to create a website through In addition Alessio invited me to participate in the #restiamoconnessi initiative, which allows Italian companies to have a website and always be online. Fundamental key for the era in which we live. Alessio is definitely a reliable person with a lot of passion for his job.]

Anita Bruscia
(May 7th, 2020)
«Il corso di Flazio Web Design è certamente il più stimolante di tutti i miei precedenti. Grazie alla preparazione, educazione e pazienza di Alessio, sono riuscita a realizzare il mio sito internet in brevissimo tempo. La creazione di un sito web è un processo molto impegnativo, Flazio fornisce una vastissima gamma di template e strumenti che garantiscono la riuscita del progetto totalmente personalizzabile. Mi ha aperto gli occhi verso un mondo, fino a qualche mese fa, inesplorato, invogliandomi sempre più a formarmi in questo senso. Ringrazio Alessio Cantarella e tutto il team Flazio.»
[The Flazio Web Design course is certainly the most stimulating of all my previous ones. Thanks to Alessio’s preparation, education and patience, I managed to create my website in a very short time. The creation of a website is a very demanding process, Flazio provides a very wide range of templates and tools that guarantee the success of the totally customisable project. Until a few months ago, it opened my eyes to a world, unexplored, encouraging me more and more to train myself in this sense. Thanks to Alessio Cantarella and the whole Flazio team.]

Loriana Romano
(May 4th, 2020)
«Ho avuto la possibilità di conoscere Alessio grazie alle sue lezioni di web design tenute per il master THEM BeAcademy. Grazie a lui ho conosciuto la piattaforma ed ho realizzato per la prima volta un sito web, partendo da zero. È una persona molto competente, professionale e gentile.»
[I had the opportunity to get to know Alessio thanks to his Web Design lessons held for the Master THEM by BeAcademy. Thanks to him I got to know the platform and I created a website for the first time, starting from scratch. He is a very competent, professional and kind person.]

Francesca Genovese
(May 3rd, 2020)
«Alessio è una persona preparata e sempre disponibile. Un professionista come pochi con cui ho frequentato il corso di Flazio Web Design. Grazie a lui sono riuscita in pochissimo tempo ad utilizzare la piattaforma, ho creato un sito tutto mio e ho conseguito una certificazione come Web Designer. In un’epoca in cui avere un proprio sito web è fondamentale, consiglio il suo corso a chi come me parte da zero e vuole migliorare le proprie competenze ma sopratutto a chiunque voglia crearsi una vetrina nel web!»
[Alessio is a prepared and always available person. A professional like few with whom I attended the Flazio Web Design course. Thanks to him, I was able to use the platform in no time, I created a website of my own and I obtained a certification as Web Designer. In an era where having your own website is essential, I recommend its course to anyone like me who starts from scratch and wants to improve their skills but above all to anyone who wants to create a showcase on the web!]

Roberto Gemmellaro
(May 1st, 2020)
«Mi fa piacere esprime la mia profonda gratitudine e ammirazione nei confronti di Alessio! La sua professionalità, puntualità, gentilezza, simpatia ed empatia mi hanno reso possibile l’apprendimento e l’utilizzo della piattaforma digitale Flazio. In poco tempo è diventato il miglior Web Coach che si possa desiderare, il tutto attraverso un rapporto amichevole e cordiale. Un vero professionista su cui fare affidamento!»
[I’m glad to express my deep gratitude and admiration towards Alessio! His professionalism, punctuality, kindness, sympathy and empathy made it possible for me to learn and use the digital platform Flazio. In a short time he became the best Web Coach you could wish for, all through a friendly and cordial relationship. A true professional you can rely on!]

Vanessa Nastasi
(April 30th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di seguire il corso di Flazio Web Design durante le lezioni del Master THEM di BeAcademy. Devo dire che Alessio in poco tempo è stato in grado di darci delle ottime basi nell’utilizzo della piattaforma Flazio grazie alle sue lezioni chiare e precise. Non è da sottovalutare la sua disponibilità e pazienza avuta al sorgere di ogni dubbio. In poco tempo ci ha permesso di essere in grado di creare un sito web tramite questa piattaforma e ciò non è da poco. Quindi grazie Alessio!»
[I had the pleasure to follow the Flazio Web Design course during the lessons of the Master THEM by BeAcademy. I must say that Alessio was able to give us a very good basis in using the Flazio platform in a short time thanks to his clear and precise lessons. We should not underestimate his availability and patience when doubts arise. In a short time he has allowed us to be able to create a website through this platform and this is no small thing. So thank you Alessio!]

Giorgia Piro
(April 30th, 2020)
«Ringrazio Alessio per avermi guidato in questo percorso formativo e per essere stato sempre molto disponibile con noi studenti della BeAcademy. Grazie alla sua ironia e alla sua accurata preparazione è riuscito a fornirci un grande aiuto per la creazione del sito web. Il suo supporto per me è stato davvero prezioso e stimolante per il raggiungimento dei miei obiettivi.»
[I would like to thank Alessio for guiding me through this educational path and for being always very helpful with us BeAcademy students. Thanks to his irony and careful preparation he was able to give us a great help in the creation of the website. His support has been very valuable and stimulating for me in achieving my goals.]

Denise Marcini
(April 30th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Alessio personalmente e professionalmente e posso dire con fermezza che è un professionista con la P maiuscola. Mi ha insegnato in poco tempo a creare un sito web partendo da zero utilizzando la piattaforma Flazio. Non esitate a contattarlo e a mettervi in gioco: grazie a professionisti come Alessio sembrerà un gioco da ragazzi! Ottenere una certificazione di web design è una soddisfazione enorme, per noi allievi e per tutti coloro che lavorano alla piattaforma Flazio per renderla ogni giorno più accessibile.»
[I have had the pleasure of meeting Alessio personally and professionally and I can firmly say that he is a professional with a capital P. He taught me in a short time how to create a website from scratch using the Flazio platform. Don’t hesitate to contact him and get involved: thanks to professionals like Alessio it will seem like child’s play! Obtaining a web design certification is a huge satisfaction, for us students and for all those who work on the Flazio platform to make it more accessible every day.]

Giusy Palazzolo
(April 30th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Alessio nell’ambito del master THEM BeAcademy in tourism & hospitality 2020 e posso confermare la sua simpatia, professionalità, bravura ed estrema pazienza nell’insegnare a tutti noi le competenze della piattaforma digitale Flazio. Ci siamo ritrovati in poco tempo ad imparare qualcosa che per la maggior parte di noi era estraneo ai nostri percorsi di studio e che è risultato estremamente intuitivo, anche grazie al suo prezioso contributo!»
[I had the pleasure of meeting Alessio during the BeAcademy Master THEM in tourism & hospitality 2020 and I can confirm his sympathy, professionalism, skill and extreme patience in teaching us all the skills of the Flazio digital platform. We found ourselves in a short time learning something that for most of us was foreign to our study paths and that was extremely intuitive, also thanks to his precious contribution!]

Gennaro Zinno
(April 22nd, 2020)
«Alessio ha tenuto il corso di Flazio Web Design nell’edizione 2019 del Master in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management della BeAcademy. Con professionalità e grande disponibilità, si é dimostrato attento nell’assistere gli studenti durante la parte operativa delle lezioni e rendendoli anche partecipi, in qualità di Web Designer, dell’evento “Catania va online”, organizzato da Flazio in collaborazione con il comune di Catania.»
[Alessio held the Flazio Web Design course in the 2019 edition of the Master in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management of the BeAcademy. With professionalism and great availability, he proved to be attentive in assisting students during the operational part of the lessons and also making them participate, as Web Designers, in the event “Catania va online”, organised by Flazio in collaboration with the municipality of Catania.]

Antonella Vecchio
(March 27th, 2020)
«Professionalità, gentilezza, amore per il proprio lavoro, fiducia e interesse sono le caratteristiche che ti rendono speciale. Grazie per i tuoi insegnamenti preziosi e la tua continua disponibilità. È sempre un piacere imparare e lavorare insieme a te. Con affetto»
[Professionalism, kindness, love for your work, trust and interest are the characteristics that make you special. Thank you for your precious teachings and your continuous availability. It is always a pleasure to learn and work with you. With love]

Carla Armone
(March 20th, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio in occasione del Master THEM 2018, nello specifico durante le lezioni da lui tenute sulla creazione di un sito internet tramite l’utilizzo della piattaforma Durante i diversi appuntamenti che hanno portato noi masterini alla realizzazione del proprio sito, Alessio, professionista che ha sin da subito mostrato la sua preparazione, ci ha seguiti con grande dedizione, mostrandosi disponibile al chiarimento di ogni dubbio e portandoci a realizzare dei progetti credibili. Professionalità, gentilezza e grande disponibilità sono senza dubbio le caratteristiche che rappresentano al meglio Alessio.»
[I met Alessio on the occasion of the Master THEM 2018, specifically during the lessons he gave on the creation of a website using the platform. During the various appointments that led us students to the creation of our website, Alessio, a professional who immediately showed his preparation, followed us with great dedication, being available to clarify any doubts and leading us to create credible projects. Professionalism, kindness and great availability are undoubtedly the characteristics that best represent Alessio.]

Margherita Maugeri
(March 4th, 2020)
«Non si può non descrivere Alessio come un abile ingegnere, un professionista con un’esperienza ormai decennale in ambito di progettazione, sviluppo e gestione di software. È sempre alla ricerca di tecnologie all’avanguardia che possano rafforzare le sue competenze e abilità nel settore.»
[You can describe Alessio as a skilled engineer, a professional with decades of experience in software design, development and management. He is always looking for cutting-edge technologies that can strengthen his skills and abilities in the field.]

Maria Chiara Adamo
(March 4th, 2020)
«Ho avuto la possibilità di conoscere Alessio durante le lezioni del master THEM di BeAcademy. Mi sono appassionata da subito alle cose che ha insegnato poiché è un professionista molto competente nel suo settore, capace di instaurare da subito delle relazioni umane significative e molto disponibile e attento ai bisogni dei suoi allievi. Grazie ai suoi insegnamenti ho potuto conseguire la certificazione di Web Designer, imparando tutto ciò che occorre per svolgere questo ruolo nel modo più professionale possibile.»
[I had the chance to meet Alessio during the classes of the Master THEM by BeAcademy. I was immediately passionate about the things he taught because he is a very competent professional in his field, capable of establishing meaningful human relationships and very helpful and attentive to the needs of his students. Thanks to his teachings I was able to obtain the certification of Web Designer, learning everything necessary to play this role in the most professional way possible.]

Yvonne Nicosia
(March 4th, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio durante le lezioni del Master in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management di Catania. Alessio è un professionista nel suo settore e possiede competenze di alto livello. Attraverso un percorso formativo intenso e professionale mi ha permesso di conseguire la certificazione di Web Designer in pochissimo tempo. Lo consiglio come insegnante. Professionale, disponibile e competente. Anche al di fuori del mondo lavorativo è una persona interessante e dalle mille sfaccettature.»
[I met Alessio during the lessons of the Master in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management in Catania. Alessio is a professional in his field and has high level skills. Through an intense and professional training path has allowed me to achieve the certification of Web Designer in a very short time. I recommend him as a teacher. Professional, helpful and competent. Even outside the working world he is an interesting and multifaceted person.]

Alessia Strano
(March 4th, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio durante una lezione che ho frequentato del Master THEM. Alessio è una persona molto professionale e intelligente. Mi ha dato degli ottimi consigli su come realizzare un sito web.»
[I met Alessio during a class I took at Master THEM. Alessio is a very professional and intelligent person. He gave me some very good advice on how to make a website.]

Andrea Davì
(March 3rd, 2020)
«Competenza, professionalità e trasparenza. Alessio mi ha permesso di diventare, attraverso un percorso altamente formativo e ad hoc, una Web Designer. Il supporto e l’esposizione dei contenuti è stata eccellente. Lo consiglio vivamente come insegnante.»
[Competence, professionalism and transparency. Alessio has allowed me to become, through a highly formative and ad hoc path, a Web Designer. The support and exposure of the contents has been excellent. I highly recommend him as a teacher.]

Veronica Sorbello
(March 3rd, 2020)
«Alessio è un professionista dalle mille competenze e qualità. Una persona da cui si può solo imparare, è sempre un piacere collaborare con lui»
[Alessio is a professional with a thousand skills and qualities. A person you can only learn from, it is always a pleasure to work with him]

Roberta Distefano
(March 3rd, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio durante le lezioni del Master che ho conseguito e ho collaborato con lui per un breve periodo presso l’azienda per cui lavora: Flazio. Alessio è un professionista dalle molteplici competenze, il suo bagaglio culturale è davvero vasto e va al di fuori delle conoscenze del campo in cui è specializzato.»
[I met Alessio during the lessons of the Master’s I obtained and I collaborated with him for a short period at the company he works for: Flazio. Alessio is a professional with multiple skills, his cultural background is really vast and goes beyond the knowledge of the field in which he specializes.]

Gresi Musumeci
(January 26th, 2020)
«Alessio è una persona che con la sua professionalità, la sua disponibilità e le sue competenze riesce a trasmettere un know-how sul mondo del digital e della creazione dei siti web che non ha rivali. Ho avuto modo di collaborare con il suo team in qualità di studente e poi come web designer certificato cogliendo tutti i suoi preziosi consigli.»
[Alessio is a person who, with his professionalism, his availability and his skills, is able to transmit a know-how on the world of digital and website creation that is unrivalled. I had the opportunity to collaborate with his team as a student and then as a certified web designer taking all his valuable advice.]

Beatrice Stagno
(January 26th, 2020)
«Professionista molto disponibile che ha trasmesso a noi studenti le sue competenze con grande passione!»
[Very helpful professional who has passed on his skills to us students with great passion!]

Giuliana Agliozzo
(January 25th, 2020)
«Professionale, disponibile. Riesce a destare curiosità nel mondo digitale del mondo della creazione dei siti web!»
[Professional, available. It can arouse curiosity in the digital world of website creation!]

Debora Mangiameli
(January 25th, 2020)
«Consiglio vivamente Alessio Cantarella, Manager & Ingegnere ICT. Competente e professionale nel suo lavoro, serio e preciso.»
[I highly recommend Alessio Cantarella, ICT Manager & Engineer. Competent and professional in his work, serious and precise.]

Desirée Messina
(January 25th, 2020)
«Alessio = professionalità, serietà, simpatia e empatia. In gamba come pochi. Grazie.»
[Alessio = professionalism, seriousness, sympathy and empathy. As good as anybody. Thank you.]

Antonio Artale
(January 25th, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio in veste di docente al Master THEM organizzato dalla BeAcademy. Oltre ad essere una grande persona a livello umano, è un grande professionista in ambito informatico. Una delle persone più preparate nel suo settore.»
[I met Alessio as a teacher at the Master THEM organized by BeAcademy. In addition to being a great person on a human level, he is a great IT professional. One of the most skilled people in his field.]

Valeria Maccarone
(January 25th, 2020)
«Una persona professionale e competente che mette grande passione in quello che fa. Ho avuto il piacere di averlo come docente di Web Design presso il Master THEM di BeAcademy e sono molto soddisfatta delle nozioni che grazie a lui ho appreso.»
[A professional and competent person who puts great passion into what he does. I had the pleasure of having him as a Web Design teacher at the BeAcademy Master THEM and I am very satisfied with the notions that I learned thanks to him.]

Giulio Platania
(January 25th, 2020)
«Grande sorriso e grande pazienza caratterizzano Alessio. È stato sempre presente e sempre capace di risolvere ogni problema. Non smetterò mai di ringraziarlo!»
[Great smile and great patience characterise Alessio. He was always present and always able to solve every problem. I’ll never stop thanking him!]

Marcella Mammino
(January 25th, 2020)
«Alessio è stato il mio docente di web design presso BeAcademy e non avrei potuto chiedere di meglio in quanto a professionalità e competenza. Possiede sicuramente una grande cultura informatica e linguistica, ma ciò che mi ha colpita di più è il suo approccio smart e la sua empatia.»
[Alessio was my web design teacher at BeAcademy and I couldn’t have asked for anything better in terms of professionalism and competence. He certainly has a great computer and linguistic culture, but what struck me most is his smart approach and his empathy.]


Banca Sistema

Massimiliano Ciferri
(September 11th, 2017)
«Alessio superior technological skills coupled with an uncanny ability to interpret and translate wishes into software made him a key reference point at Banca Sistema, especially for Finance and Risk. Alessio is also a very nice person to work with, calm, reliable and always in good spirits.»

Paolo Cambieri
(September 5th, 2017)
«It has been a pleasure working with Alessio. I had worked with him at Banca Sistema and I met a person with excellent professional skills, remarkable learning and problem solving abilities. Always helpful, team-play oriented and especially a pleasant and funny person in and out of the office.»

Stefano Crose
(August 25th, 2017)
«As the many recommendations here below, I can only confirm his professional and personal capabilities which are above his high-level technic skills. I worked with Alessio in the last year on different projects and I have known a person extremely available, with a strong business oriented mind and problem-solving abilities thanks to his deep knowledge in computer engineering. It’s been a pleasure work with him and I hope to share other projects in future.»

Stefano Di Paola
(June 21st, 2017)
«Alessio è una persona onesta, esperta e affidabile. Svolge bene il suo lavoro, soprattutto in un team. È d’obbligo sottolineare la sua simpatia, che rende tutto più allegro, soprattutto nei momenti in cui il lavoro è più difficile. Per questi motivi lo raccomando volentieri e sarei felice di lavorare di nuovo con lui.»
[Alessio is an honest, experienced and reliable person. He does his job well, especially in a team. It is a must to emphasise his sympathy, which makes everything more cheerful, especially in times when work is more difficult. For these reasons I would gladly recommend it and I would be happy to work with him again.]

Ernestina Rossi
(June 8th, 2017)
«Ho avuto il piacere di lavorare con Alessio durante la mia esperienza in Banca Sistema per circa un anno; è un professionista prezioso, altamente competente, proattivo e orientato ai risultati, con grande senso dell’umorismo; estremamente tecnico, è sempre disponibile, ed ha la grande capacità di comunicare e traslare in modo semplice e comprensibile anche concetti tecnici che altrimenti non sarebbero fruibili a tutti.»
[I had the pleasure of working with Alessio during my experience at Banca Sistema for about a year; he is a valuable, highly competent, proactive, result-oriented professional with a great sense of humor; extremely technical, he is always available, and has the great ability to communicate and translate in a simple and understandable way also technical concepts that otherwise would not be usable by everybody.]

Angelo Bencivenga
(April 4th, 2017)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio nel periodo di consulenza presso Banca SISTEMA, abbiamo lavorato a stretto contatto in ambito di Data Management all’interno della sua azienda. Alessio è riuscito a rendermi operativo fin da subito, grazie alla sua precisione e capacità organizzativa. Alessio è una persona estremamente smart ed orientata all’obiettivo. Possiede skills tecniche aggiornate e attitudine da programmatore full-stack, ma il valore aggiunto sono le sue innumerevoli soft skill che rendono Alessio una persona di riferimento nel suo gruppo di lavoro.»
[I met Alessio during the consultancy period at Banca SISTEMA, we worked closely with Data Management in his company. Alessio managed to make me operational immediately, thanks to his precision and organisational skills. Alessio is an extremely smart and goal-oriented person. He has updated technical skills and a full-stack programmer attitude, but the added value is his countless soft skills that make Alessio a reference person in his work group.]

Massimo Nitri
(January 3rd, 2017)
«Alessio is one of the best colleagues I’ve worked with (and I’m hard with compliments). He’s always calm and self confident, ready to learn new things or teach what he’s already mastered. His programming and analytical skills are only matched by his kindness and well-rounded knowledge. If you’re looking for a reliable figure, a person you can entrust the keys of your IT success, trust me: he’s your man.»

Giorgio Rugarli
(November 26th, 2016)
«Alessio è capace di capire cosa è necessario fare e come farlo, ma è anche capace, e qui sta il suo genio, di capire come una necessità si inserisce in un contesto più ampio: di conseguenza Alessio nel suo fare “prevede” anche il successivo passo. Per questo credo che Alessio sia la persona migliore possibile nei contesti in cui sia necessario “mettere una marcia in più”.»
[Alessio is able to understand what is necessary to do and how to do it, but he is also able, and here is his ingeniousness, to understand how a need fits into a wider context: consequently Alessio in his doing “forecasts” also the next step. For this reason I believe that Alessio is the best person possible in contexts where it is necessary to “have an extra gear”.]

Corrado Morana
(October 19th, 2016)
«I had the pleasure of working with Alessio at Banca Sistema, collaborating on several projects. I strongly endorse him ‘cause he’s one of the most valuable people I have ever worked with. Creative and multi-skilled person, open minded, always punctual and detail oriented team player with a great skill to analyze and summarize ideas. He denotes a lot of analytical capability and willingness for his both personal & professional development.»

Andrea Radice
(October 18th, 2016)
«Alessio è un brillante sviluppatore / analista full stack con una forte propensione al problem solving. Stimabile in particolare per la capacità di tradurre le esigenze del cliente in requisiti, mediare tempestivamente in caso di problemi, coinvolgere ogni componente del gruppo nella discussione delle criticità, così da mobilitare l’inventiva e la creatività di ciascuno e giungere alla miglior soluzione.»
[Alessio is a brilliant full stack developer/analyst with a strong propensity for problem solving. He’s reputable in particular for his ability to translate customer needs into requirements, to mediate promptly in case of problems, involving each member of the group in the discussion of critical issues, so as to mobilize the inventiveness and creativity of each and achieve the best solution.]

Alfredo Iacovone
(July 13th, 2016)
«I worked with Alessio one year during my experience in Banca Sistema. He is a great teammate: proactive, committed and able to quickly understand requirements and put them into effect. He is very keen on information technology and works for the love in it.»

Luca Zanardi
(January 15th, 2016)
«I can recommend Alessio as a person with great education and deep background of IT solutions. Alessio is not only a proactive and experienced programmer but also an inspiring web developer. Alessio is a motivated, careful, passionate and self motivated person. Forward thinking and smart. Shows all the time a lot of analytical capability and willingness for his both personal & professional development.»


Marco Masia
(February 18th, 2016)
«Working in team with Alessio is a great experience. He’s skilled, talented and committed to his work and he does it with visible and admirable passion. Open to discussion and teamwork he’s a Professional of best kind to challenge a project with.»

Ilaria Mai
(February 18th, 2016)
«He is one of the most valuable people I have ever met. Detail oriented professional. Although extremely technically minded, Alessio has the ability to communicate with simple, friendly language with a great sense of humor. He never refuses you when you ask him for help.»

Susanna Ferrero
(February 18th, 2016)
«Ho lavorato con Alessio su diversi progetti, sempre disposto ad aiutare e a trovare la migliore soluzione a qualsiasi problema. È un ottimo sviluppatore e collega. Rimango con la speranza di poter collaborare ancora con lui in futuro.»
[I have worked with Alessio on several projects, always willing to help and find the best solution to any problem. He is an excellent developer and colleague. I remain hopeful that we will be able to work with him again in the future.]

Antonio De Luca
(January 29th, 2016)
«Alessio è una persona brillante, diligente e con la soluzione a portata di mano. È stato un piacere lavorare con lui in un progetto critico e delicato, si è saputo distinguere nel ruolo di responsabile tecnico e garante della qualità.»
[Alessio is a brilliant, diligent person with the solution at hand. It was a pleasure to work with him on a critical and difficult project, he was able to distinguish himself in the role of technical and quality assurance manager.]

Alessio Sinigaglia
(January 29th, 2016)
«I worked with this guy on a SharePoint intranet complex project, I joined Alessio’s expertise in both team working and also agile development. I found his skills are a wide resource for any troubleshooting and it has been a great pleasure to spend time with him collaborating and working on the same project for some months.»

Holti Bitri
(January 29th, 2016)
«Alessio è un ottimo sviluppatore con altissime competenze con tecnologia Microsoft e non solo. Abbiamo lavorato insieme su un progetto complesso sviluppato con SharePoint 2010 il quale è stato concluso con successo dei tempi stabiliti. Si relaziona molto bene con i colleghi e ha una ottima gestione dello stress.»
[Alessio is an excellent developer with very high skills with Microsoft technology and more. We worked together on a complex project, developed with SharePoint 2010 which was successfully completed on time. He has a very good relationship with his colleagues and an excellent stress management.]

Alessandro Serra
(January 26th, 2016)
«I had the pleasure to work with Alessio on the same project. He is a very clever guy, with perfect knowledge of the tools used during the project. It was a pleasure to work with him, I hope to have the chance to work together again in the future.»

Luca Basile
(January 26th, 2016)
«Alessio is a very passionate developer and analyst but more than anything is is a great person to work with. Great ideas and dedication to his job mix with the quality of a unique person always ready to help and improve.»

Stefano Scravaglieri
(January 23th, 2016)
«I knew Alessio some months ago, during a very complex project in which we work together. Alessio is a very good professional and a great team puller. He manages its work with high skills and self confidence and creates empathy with his clients. Every task assigned to him is in good hands. I hope to work with him again.»

Marco Redenti
(January 20th, 2016)
«Alessio is an ambitious and very productive employee with deep and practical skills. Although extremely technically minded Alessio has the ability to communicate with simple, friendly language with a great sense of humor. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with Alessio will truly appreciate his joyful personality that makes very easy the collaboration. Alessio did an exceptional job on the project, he was one of the most dedicated professionals through his work at Intesa Sanpaolo Vita. I strongly endorse Alessio.»

Simone Muccioli
(January 19th, 2016)
«Ho lavorato con Alessio sul progetto Ultimo miglio in Intesa Sanpaolo Vita e fin da subito ho apprezzato le qualità di Alessio che si esplicitano in una forte propensione al lavoro di gruppo, in una ottima conoscenza di tutte quelle che sono le tecnologie di riferimento in ambito Microsoft e una ottima attitudine al raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati. Ultima e non meno importante è la grande capacità di sviluppo e analisi che ha dimostrato nel periodo in cui abbiamo collaborato. Sicuramente è un collega con il quale mi piacerebbe lavorare in futuro.»
[I worked with Alessio on the project Ultimo miglio in Intesa Sanpaolo Vita and right from the start I appreciated Alessio’s qualities, which are expressed in a strong propensity to work as a team, in an excellent knowledge of all the reference technologies in the Microsoft environment, and an excellent attitude to achieving the set goals. Last, but not least, is the great capacity for development and analysis that has shown in the period in which we have collaborated. He is certainly a colleague with whom I would like to work in the future.]

Matteo Arrigoni
(January 15th, 2016)
«Alessio and I worked together in Cluster Reply developing, mainly for banks, custom IT solutions using ASP.NET, SharePoint and other Microsoft products. Very smart and skilled developer, he is attracted by the latest technology trends, eager to learn always more. One of his peculiarity is the ability to quickly overcome a problem proposing solutions even in a high-stress situation. Moreover, his strong communication skills allow him to work very good with the customers and to create solid bonds with his colleagues. He is one of the most eclectic persons I have ever met: his interests include foreign languages, arts, philosophy, and is always a pleasure sharing thoughts with him or simply having a chat. If I had the chance I would definitely choose to collaborate with him again.»

Nicola Andreose
(January 13th, 2016)
«I had the pleasure to work with Alessio on a number of projects; he valuably contributed to the projects by bringing in his extensive knowledge of the web Technologies and by demonstrating a willingness to go the extra mile continuing his skills development outside the job. Alessio is simply a great person to work with and I hope to have the opportunity, one day, to collaborate again with him.»

Mattia Faltracco
(July 17th, 2015)
«I had the pleasure indeed the honour of working with Alessio, on several team project, for 3 years at Cluster Reply. Alessio is the perfect teammate, if you have some trouble you can count on him; efficient, ingenious, proactive, professional, tireless are all synonyms for Alessio. If you want a real teammate you need Alessio because a lot of people in IT say “we” without being part of the activity but when Alessio say “we” it means together for real.»

Johnny Viganò
(July 9th, 2015)
«I’ve had the privilege of working with Alessio for about 3 years collaborating on several projects and I was impressed about the way Alessio manages technology in a very simple and efficient way. I found this to be incredibly valuable in working with him, as it allows him (and for those who work with him) the ability to explore and understand nearly all possible perspectives to an idea and its numerous applications.»

Luca Grillo
(July 9th, 2015)
«Awɘƨomɘ ƨʞillƨ, willinǫnɘƨƨ ɒnb ǫɿɘɒƚ ƨɘnƨɘ oʇ ʜumoɿ, mɒʞɘƨ Alɘƨƨio ƚʜɘ dɘƨƚ qɒɿƚnɘɿ ƚo woɿʞ wiƚʜ.»
[Awesome skills, willingness and great sense of humor, makes Alessio the best partner to work with.]

Daniele Ratti
(July 1st, 2015)
«I think that Alessio is one of the greatest professionals I have had the pleasure to work with. Always prone to learning, informed about new technologies and techniques, and with a keen eye for innovation. His experience on the field, working directly with the customers is invaluable and completes his excellent profile.»

Diego Violi
(June 29th, 2015)
«Alessio did not fail a single time and he was one of the most dedicated professionals through his work at Reply. Efficient, honest and smart person. That’s him – innovative team player with a great skill to analyse and summarise ideas. Alessio follows the best IT guidelines.»

Luca Ramundo
(June 26th, 2015)
«I can recommend Alessio as a person with great experience and deep knowledge of modern business solutions. He is a very productive person, a goal oriented expert and an insightful programmer. Open minded, motivated, careful and intelligent co-worker. If you need a professional to do a job, make sure you have Alessio doing that job.»

Giuseppe Rossitto
(June 19th, 2015)
«Ho avuto il piacere di lavorare con Alessio in diversi progetti, e posso affermare che le sue qualità tecniche e l’efficienza sono le maggiori caratteristiche che lo contraddistinguono. Quando un problema sembra irrisolvibile è la prima persona che mi verrebbe in mente di contattare. Alessio inoltre è una persona estremamente solare ed in grado di rallegrare anche i periodi e le giornate più dure. Spero che le nostre strade si possano incrociare nuovamente, sarebbe solo un piacere lavorare con lui.»
[I have had the pleasure of working with Alessio on several projects, and I can say that his technical qualities and efficiency are the main characteristics that distinguish him. When a problem seems unsolvable, he is the first person I would think of contacting. Alessio is also a very sunny person and able to cheer up even the hardest periods and days. I hope that our paths may cross again, it would just be a pleasure to work with him.]

Davide Ranchetti
(November 21st, 2014)
«It’s been a real pleasure working together with him in the past. Eager professional. Makes the impossible possible and is always available to help others. I strongly endorse Alessio.»


University of Milan-Bicocca

Antonio Barbatelli
(April 21st, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di studiare con Alessio durante il master di II livello in ICT Management. Alessio è un professionista completo con competenze avanzate in ambito web e sistemistico con anche interesse per le tecnologie di Machine Learning. Sono rimasto colpito dalla pensiero analitico di Alessio e dal grande spirito collaborativo che lo rendono il componente centrale di ogni Team.»
[I had the pleasure to study with Alessio during the MBA in ICT Management. Alessio is a complete professional with advanced web and systems skills and also has an interest in Machine Learning technologies. I was impressed by Alessio’s analytical thinking and the great collaborative spirit that make him the central component of every Team.]

Simone Caneponi
(April 15th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Alessio durante il master a Milano e da subito ho notato la professionalità con cui affrontava la vita accademica e allo stesso tempo quella lavorativa. Un ottimo professionista con spiccata conoscenza tecnica manageriale.»
[I had the pleasure of meeting Alessio during the MBA in Milan and immediately I noticed the professionalism with which he faced academic and at the same time working life. An excellent professional with strong managerial technical knowledge.]

Carmine Ingaldi
(April 14th, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio durante la frequentazione del Master in ICT management all’Università degli Studi di Milano. Fin dalle prime interazioni avute con lui, ho potuto notare la sua grande esperienza nel mondo IT e le sue capacità tecniche e relazionali, le quali lo rendono una figura di grande professionalità e talento.»
[I have known Alessio while attending the Master in ICT management at the University of Milan. From the first interactions I had with him, I was able to notice his great experience in the IT world and his technical and relational skills, which make him a figure of great professionalism and talent.]

Lorenzo Melchiorre
(April 14th, 2020)
«Ho avuto il piacere di studiare ICT Management con Alessio; di lui mi ha colpito, in particolare, la straordinaria e naturale capacità di passare dalla visione d’insieme del tema da affrontare alla scelta della migliore soluzione tecnica e tecnologica. La stessa naturalezza che dimostra in ambito tecnico è riscontrabile in ambito relazionale. mi sento di segnalarlo quindi, sia come ingegnere e informatico a 360°, ma in particolar modo come manager.»
[I had the pleasure of studying ICT Management with Alessio; I was particularly impressed by his extraordinary and natural ability to move from viewing the whole theme to choosing the best technical and technological solution. The same naturalness that shows in the technical field is found in the relational field. I would like to report it therefore, both as an engineer and computer scientist at 360°, but especially as a manager.]

Ferdinando Sodano
(March 9th, 2020)
«Ho conosciuto Alessio al master di secondo livello in ICT Management alla Bicocca di Milano. In circa un anno e mezzo di frequentazione, ho conosciuto un professionista molto solido in termini di preparazione, nonché un compagno di corso diligente, disponibile e collaborativo. Durante le lezioni, ho apprezzato notevolmente la sua mente vivace, sempre aperta al confronto e orientata all’apprendimento continuo, la sua voglia di mettersi in gioco e la sua capacità di dare sempre un contributo valido ai propri interlocutori.»
[I met Alessio at the MBA in ICT Management at Bicocca in Milan. In about a year and a half of attendance, I met a very solid professional in terms of preparation, as well as a diligent, helpful and collaborative classmate. During the lessons, I greatly appreciated his lively mind, always open to comparison and oriented to continuous learning, his willingness to get involved and his ability to always give a valid contribution to his interlocutors.]

Roberto Falcone
(March 4th, 2020)
«Abbiamo frequentato il master ICT a Milano, dove abbiamo lavorato proficuamente anche in gruppo e dove ha dimostrato una spiccata propensione al raggiungimento degli obiettivi. Veloce di pensiero e consapevolmente propenso al cambiamento, preciso ed attento con capacità elevata di ascolto.»
[We attended the MBA in ICT in Milan, where we also worked profitably in groups and where he showed a strong propensity to achieve the objectives. Fast thinking and consciously inclined to change, precise and attentive with high listening skills.]

Luigi Favaro
(March 4th, 2020)
«Il miglior programmatore Web che io abbia mai conosciuto. The best web programmer I have ever known.»

University of Catania

Elio Arena
(January 25th, 2020)
«Ho studiato e lavorato con Alessio. Da sempre ha dimostrato grande valore e collaborazione nelle attività condivise. È dotato di elevate capacità tecniche e relazionali. Inoltre è una persona socievole e simpatica, il che rende ancora più piacevole potervi collaborare.»
[I studied and worked with Alessio. He has always shown great value and collaboration in shared activities. He has high technical and relational skills. Moreover, he is a sociable and nice person, which makes it even more pleasant to work together.]

Angelo Puglisi
(November 16th, 2019)
«He is the best. Simply the number one.»

Liceo Ginnasio Statale “Giovanni Verga”

Alfio Venia
(August 1st, 2020)
«Ottimo alunno al Liceo Scientifico di Adrano, quando già mostrava la sua passione per l’Informatica!»
[Excellent student at the Liceo Scientifico of Adrano, when he was already showing his passion for Computer Science!]


Jessica Mertens
(February 2nd, 2016)
«Alessio is a very reliable and dedicated professional. Not only does he complete his tasks fast, but also gives his best to optimize the result. Passionate about his work and continuously willing to learn something new.»

Antonio Contiero
(January 27th, 2016)
«Abbiamo collaborato per la realizzazione di un video di presentazione del Libro W.C. per Transeuropa Edizioni di Massa, Alessio ha realizzato, organizzato e coordinato il video registrato con il Prof. Manlio Sgalambro, presso la sua casa a Catania, il tutto con la solita professionalità e precisione.»
[We have collaborated for the realisation of a video presentation of the W.C. book for Transeuropa Edizioni, Alessio has realised, organised and coordinated the video recording with prof. Manlio Sgalambro, at his home in Catania, all with the usual professionalism and precision.]

Antonio Carulli
(January 24th, 2016)
«Ho collaborato con Alessio per la realizzazione del volume omaggio per Manlio Sgalambro Caro misantropo. È stato un vero piacere: mi ha fornito aiuti per l’editing, contatti utili, indicazioni precise su materiali inediti e semi-sconosciuti del filosofo. Ricordo quell’esperienza con vero piacere! Ce ne fossero di amici e collaboratori come lui!!!»
[I have collaborated with Alessio for the realisation of the homage volume for Manlio Sgalambro Caro misantropo. It was a real pleasure: he provided me helps in editing, useful contacts, precise indications on unpublished and unknown materials of the philosopher. I remember that experience with real pleasure! There were friends and collaborators like him!!!]

Laura Nicosia
(January 21st, 2016)
«Alessio Cantarella, è nostro collaboratore web master, persona affidabile e professionale, svolge il suo lavoro con cura e puntualità. La nostra collaborazione ebbe inizio nell’anno 2007, in occasione dell’apertura del nostro Bed & Breakfast, quando cercavamo una figura professionale in grado di venire incontro alle nostre esigenze di visibilità sul web. Siamo certi che il suo contributo possa soddisfare le richieste di clienti esigenti.»
[Alessio Cantarella, is our web master collaborator, a reliable and professional person, carries out his work with care and punctuality. Our collaboration began in 2007, on the occasion of the opening of our Bed & Breakfast, when we were looking for a professional figure able to meet our needs for visibility on the web. We are sure that his contribution can meet the demands of demanding customers.]


Cherie Wong
(January 9th, 2022)
«It’s the best choice to meet Alessio in Catania! It certainly made my trip in Sicily a lot better than I would have asked for. He is such a funny, knowledgeable and gentle soul! We had dinner and the next day we went to Etna and Taormina together and had an amazing time.
Thank you for everything Alessio and please let me know if you spot my hat down the mountain of Etna one day 🤣»

Aiswarya Rema
(January 1st, 2022)
«Alessio is so kind, friendly and helpful! He basically took care of my entire itinerary in Catania! Before my trip, he kept sending me helpful tips and suggestions. While I was in Catania, we met for dinner, drove to a castle outside the city, walked around a bit. Alessio has the most interesting stories! We laughed so much! Next day he drove me to Etna and Taormina. Gave me a tour of both the places, took me to special photo spots and introduced me to Sicily’s specialty cuisines! But the highlight for me really was how helpful he was to arrange a PCR for me for my travel back. It was very difficult to find a clinic open on New Year’s Eve, but he went over and beyond to ensure I got my PCR in time! Well he drove at a record speed to Taormina to make that happen! You are really a gem my friend!! Take care and hope to meet you again some day!»

Julia Tronina
(October 2021)
«Alessio, you have such a unique way of living your life! I love it! Always happy and positive and always open to meet new people, make friendships and taking care of the people you like. Thank you so much for letting me stay at your place for some nights, for all the laughs, the times at the beach, eating out together, the German breakfast you got me in the morning, the dancing with your friends, the interesting conversations you shared with me, etc. Hope to meet up soon and you are very welcome to visit me. Your goddess! 😊»

Larissa Schweizer
(July 14th, 2020)
«Alessio was a great host. Unfortunately my plans were a bit tight so that I stayed only one night in Catania, but he really made sure to put as much Catania as possible in those few hours! He knows his city really good and gave me a night-tour, including of course also some delicious gelato. His apartment is super beautiful, clean, and directly at the center. He is a social, open, funny person (and a small celebrity in Catania, he barely could keep the paparazzi away from us), so I was really happy to have such good company that evening. Grazie mille per tutto, ci vediamo!»

Franzi Biller
(March 29th, 2020)
«I met Alessio in Catania, where I was doing work-away for one month. From the first moment on, we got along amazingly and from then on went out several over the course of my stay. We had amazing conversations (in 4 languages, Alessio is a language genius you must know 😃) and laughed a lot together. Alessio is a very intelligent person, who is eager to really get to know the world and its people, and this reflects very much in his character and the way he lives. He has very interesting stories to tell and is a very openminded and -hearted person, who really contributed to feeling home in Catania. I hope that after all the Corona craziness, we’ll get to see each other again 😃»

Anna Antonova
(March 6th, 2020)
«I met Alessio when I was in Catania, we hanged out several times. He is a well-educated, warm-hearted, intelligent and very nice person who has a great sense of humor. He is very knowledgeable about Catania and it looked like he knew everyone in the city 😄 You can talk about everything with him and never get bored!
I hope to see you again, Alessio!»

Ûlíâ Kokoâčuk
(February 17th, 2020)
«I was lucky to meet Alessio at Sicily. Unfortunately these where my last hours on the island but he was so kind to show me around and explain how does it work with all the stereotypes and not just stereotypes about Sicily 😊
I love to meet locals to communicate and find some special features. I have to say that Alessio is a real Italian, even in a manner how he drinks coffee and talks to ladies in a Café 😊»